Research Interests
Tunable Far Infrared (TuFIR) Spectroscopy
is the physical science which studies interactions between electromagnetic
radiation, (i.e. light), and matter (e.g. atoms, molecules). As a fundamental
scientific research field, spectroscopy enables one to determine the existence
and structures of new molecular species, (e.g. the 1996 Nobel Prize for
Chemistry was awarded for the discovery of C60 - the existence and structure
of this molecule was determined by Mass Spectroscopy). This project applies
high resolution, Tunable Far Infrared (TuFIR) Spectroscopy to the study
of molecular species in the gas phase. Following its development in the
1980’s there are currently seven groups using TuFIR Spectroscopy world-wide;
the Cambridge spectrometer is unique in the UK.
radicals are chemically reactive molecules which persist for very short
times, i.e. they react with other molecules almost as quickly as they are
formed. They are of particular importance in atmospheric chemistry and
play a major role in the production of the Ozone Hole. In atmospheric cycles,
free radicals are established as precursors, intermediates, and products
of reactions. The most abundant of these radicals have been identified
by low resolution, Far Infrared (FIR) Spectroscopy of the Earth’s stratosphere
using satellite, aircraft and balloon borne spectrometers. There are two
ways in which TuFIR Spectroscopy is applied in the laboratory to studies
of atmospherically important radicals;
- Pressure/temperature line-broadening
studies of single rotational transitions are used to calculate pressure/temperature
broadening coefficients. These are then used to compute radical concentrations
in the stratosphere.
- Spectroscopic studies of short-lived
radicals are used to determine their existence and structure. Once the
radical has been identified from its spectrum its role in atmospheric cycles
can be evaluated. A knowledge of the radical structure makes it much easier
to predict plausible reaction mechanisms.
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